
Marling A Level Results 2020

This year’s results are the outcome of a lengthy procedure that started with the school submitting Centre Assessed Grades to the examination boards following a process of internal quality assurance. These were then subject to a statistical standardisation model developed by Ofqual and the awarding organisations to ensure the grades awarded this year were consistent with those awarded to other cohorts in other years. According to the exams regulator this was the fairest possible approach available under extreme circumstances presented by Covid-19 restrictions and ensures that the grades awarded this year are as valid as in any other year.

With this process in mind, we are pleased to report the results for our students: 42% of exams at the highest A*-A grades including 16% at A*; well above national figures. The percentage of grades at A*-B was 70% and the pass rate was 99.7%. A large number of students exceeded their predicted grades including 2 students who achieved four A* grades, 24 (21%) achieving three A grade passes or better and nearly a third of students achieving at least one A* grade.

Their success means that nearly all students can progress on to their chosen destination whether that be to university, a higher apprenticeship or a foundation course. Most have matched or exceeded their offers from universities, including many of the highly selective universities requiring A* grades such as Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College, Bristol, Manchester and University College London.

After an extraordinary year, which has more than confirmed the pride we have in our young people at Marling School, our students have today received their results. Although any comparison with previous years is not valid, these remain a set of results that reflect the hard work and determination shown by our students throughout their time at the school. They worked really hard throughout the course and I am delighted for them and for our staff who supported them so well, both academically and pastorally. We were disappointed that our students were unable to sit their A-Level exams but overall we are pleased with the results. On behalf of the governors and staff I would like to congratulate all of our students on their results and wish them the very best as they go on to the next step in their journey.

Dr Wilson