
Sustainable Transport Challenge Update

The Year 8 team (Will Baldwin, Mark Daniell, Owen Inglis, Archie Nassif, Seth Sharma and Alex watson, have been working hard on their concept design for a sustainable vessel capable of travelling 1500 miles unaided. They have been required to research and analyse a wide range of issues relating to sustainable transport, including energy production, material, manufacturing methods and food/water provision. The team have now developed the overall form of their design and are now considering which technologies to integrate in order to power the vessel and sustain it’s crew.

They have been supported by Shyamala Anantahn from Raytheon Technologies who is acting as a STEM Ambassador for the project. Her weekly visits have been invaluable to the students, guiding them on the project and giving them an insight into engineering as a career.

The team are due to submit their design to the competition on Friday 8 April and will be attending a presentation event at UWE in Bristol at the end of May. During the event they will be presenting their design to a panel of industry experts and participating in a range of STEM activities and talks.